Data Center

Nordic Computer is Celebrating International Data Center Day

International Data Center Day is celebrated this year on 22 March to recognize the critical role of data centers in our increasingly digital world. These facilities, often referred to as "the backbone of the Internet," house the servers, storage devices, and networking equipment that enable us to access the applications and services we rely on every day.  

In this blog, we investigated some of the most interesting facts about data centers, their history, and the latest trends within the data center industry. International Data Center Day is a great opportunity to recognize the critical role that data centers play in our digital lives.  

History of Data Centers

The history of data centers can be traced back to the early days of computing when large mainframe computers were housed in dedicated rooms with specialized cooling and power systems. As technology advanced and the internet became more widespread, the demand for data centers grew exponentially. Today, data centers are found all around the world, from large hyperscale facilities to smaller edge data centers that bring computing resources closer to end users.  

The history of data centers can be traced back to the 1940s when businesses and governments began using computers for data processing. In the early days of computing, computers were large and expensive and typically housed in large rooms or dedicated buildings. However, it was not until the 1960s that the first true data centers began to emerge. 

In 1965, IBM launched the first commercially available mainframe computer, the IBM System/360. This computer was designed to be used by businesses and organizations for a variety of tasks, including data processing and storage. To accommodate the large and complex system, IBM created a dedicated room to house the computer and associated equipment. This was the birth of the modern data center. 


Over the following decades, data centers continued to grow and evolve alongside advances in computing technology. In the 1970s and 1980s, miniaturization and the development of microprocessors led to the creation of smaller and more powerful computers. This, in turn, led to the creation of smaller, more efficient data centers. 

In the 1990s, the growth of the Internet and the rise of e-commerce created a surge in demand for data centers, as businesses rushed to build online infrastructures to support their operations. This demand continued to grow through the early 2000s, as the rise of cloud computing and big data created even more demand for data storage and processing. 

Today, data centers are a critical part of the global technology infrastructure, supporting everything from e-commerce and social media to scientific research and financial transactions. With the continued growth of the digital economy, data centers will play an increasingly key role in shaping the future of technology. 

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Did You Know?

The largest data center in the world in 2023 is the China Telecom Data Center which spreads over a massive area of over 10 million square feet. Located in Beijing-Tianjin economic circle radiation belt, China Telecom has a large global network of over 400 data centers.

Did you know?

The energy consumption of data centers accounts for about 4% of global electricity consumption and 1% of global greenhouse gas emissions. To put this in perspective, the amount of electricity consumed by data centers worldwide is roughly equivalent to the entire electricity consumption of the United Kingdom. This has led to efforts to make data centers more energy-efficient and sustainable.

Did you know?

Data centers generate much heat, which can damage the equipment if not properly controlled. Cooling systems, such as air conditioning and liquid cooling, are used to keep the temperature within safe limits.

Latest Trends Within the Data Center Industry 

In recent years, the data center industry has undergone significant changes and advancements. Here are some of the latest trends:

Edge Computing

As more devices are connected to the Internet, the demand for low-latency computing resources has increased. Edge computing can also help reduce the bandwidth requirements and costs associated with sending large amounts of data back and forth between the device and the central data center. By processing data closer to the source, only relevant data is sent to the centralized data center for storage, reducing the amount of unnecessary data transmitted. Edge data centers, located closer to end users, can provide faster response times and improve the performance of applications that require real-time processing. 

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Artificial Intelligence

Data centers are also incorporating AI and machine learning technologies to optimize operations, improve efficiency, and reduce energy consumption. For example, AI can be used to predict equipment failures and schedule maintenance proactively. AI algorithms can also enable data centers to self-manage, self-heal, and self-optimize, reducing the need for human intervention and increasing reliability.  

Modular Data Centers

Modular data centers are prefabricated units that can be deployed quickly and efficiently. These data centers are designed to be easily deployed and scaled up or down as needed, making them ideal for businesses with rapidly changing computing needs. They are also often more energy-efficient than traditional data centers, as they are designed to minimize energy waste and optimize cooling and airflow. 

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Green Data Centers

With the growing concern about the environmental impact of data centers, many organizations are investing in renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, to reduce their carbon footprint. The integration of refurbished data center hardware is one of the most common green initiatives, which has been done by many organizations for many years already. Moreover, green data centers can also help organizations save on operational costs by reducing energy consumption and improving resource utilization. As a result, they are gaining popularity among businesses looking to reduce their environmental impact, save costs, and meet regulatory requirements. 

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TPM and Refurbishment - Biggest Trends Within Data Center Industry?

Another trend within the data center industry that has gained traction in recent years is third party maintenance (TPM) and the use of refurbished data center hardware. 

TPM providers offer maintenance and support services for data center equipment from multiple vendors, including servers, storage systems, and networking devices. These services can be a cost-effective alternative to the OEM's maintenance contracts, which can be expensive and inflexible. TPM providers typically offer customized maintenance plans that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of the organization. 

Refurbished data center hardware is another possibility that can help organizations save money while maintaining or upgrading their infrastructure. Refurbished equipment is used hardware that has been tested, repaired, and reconditioned to meet the same performance and reliability standards as new equipment. Refurbished equipment can be a cost-effective option for organizations that need to expand their capacity or replace ageing hardware without the expense of buying new equipment. 

The use of TPM and refurbished hardware has become increasingly popular in recent years, driven by the need to reduce costs and improve flexibility in data center operations. As technology continues to evolve and data center infrastructure becomes more complex, we can expect to see further innovations and trends in the data center industry, including new approaches to maintenance and equipment procurement.  

Are you interested in making your data centers more sustainable? Contact us at or visit our sustainability section on the website.