Moesgaard Museum Close Up Of The Roof Photo Moesgaard Museum

Sustainable IT Strategy at Moesgaard Museum

Did Grauballe Man Become a Climate Victim?

The climate was also changing during the Pre-Roman Iron Age, when Grauballe Man about 290 years BC met his brutal fate. He was executed, sacrificed to the gods and thrown in the local marshlands - only 34 years old.

There are many theories about Grauballe Man's death. Among the most popular are climate changes: During that time a long and hard winter meant that food supplies were running low, people were starving and winter was continuing. To appease the gods a sacrifice had to be made, and it meant the death of Grauballe Man.

Today lies the world's most well-preserved body found in a marsh in his glass case at the beautiful Moesgaard Museum South of Denmark's second largest city Aarhus.

The life and death of Grauballe Man is one of the museum's most important stories for the visitors. But in a time where climate change once again affects the planet, the museum must also look forward and adjust.

This means that all decisions are made on how they affect the surroundings.

- Sustainability is simply a vital factor when we make choices. It is not a discussion - it is a basic term, says CEO, Mads Kähler Holst.

Grauballe Man

Mads Kähler Holst, CEO

Sustainability must be recognized in every aspect that meets our guests: The building, the products and our use of resources. With our location in mind you must expect a clear connection to "green values". That is why sustainability is just as important to us as economy, quality and capacity in all the choices we make. Not only as a strong statement but as something completely natural

Therefore, it is no coincidence that the Museum made a sustainable choice by investing in refurbished IT equipment from Nordic Computer in stead of damaging the climate by investing in new equipment. And now two refurbished storage systems and three servers are implemented in the museum's datacenter that save 11 tons CO2 each year.

- We make demands to our suppliers - also when it comes to our IT strategy. Sustainability is a vital parameter in our procurement, and that is the reason that we select the sustainable option as long as it makes sense, says Mads Kähler Holst.

For the museum the sustainable choices are an important part of the complete story about Moesgaard Museum. Located among the green hills south of Aarhus means that nature is practically integrated in the building. For that reason the visitors also expect that the museum protects and think about the climate.

Read more about Moesgaard Museum here.

Ceo Moesgaard